Sporting Club Designs

Dampier Sharks Football Club - 2022 Indigneous Jumpers

For the 2022 season, the Dampier Sharks Football Club wanted a new design for their Indiegnous jumpers for their NAIDOC round. I worked with a small group of people to come up with a concept that was of meaning and significance to the club. The request was that we honoured the traditional style of the jumper with the solid heritage stripes running through the middle. If you know Dampier in Western Australia, you would know the football oval is in the most incredible place only meters from the ocean. Dampier is the gateway to the Dampier Archipelaho which consists of 42 islands. On the jumper, you can see this represented by the 42 circles. The large circle in the middle represents the people of Dampier and the Shark highlights that the football club is at the heart of the community.

Falcons Netball Club - Polo Shirt

I wanted to represent the strong foundation the Falcons Netball Club has emerged from. The circle on the top right shows a large group, representing the long standing Falcons community. The circle below depicts women sitting together, these are the women of the Falcons Netball Club. The club is surrounded by both men and women to show everyone supporting each other. This circle is also larger to signify the clubs growth with the addition of Falcons Netball. The black and white images show a strong connection to country. It is a reminder that despite where we come from we respect and acknowledge that we are here together on Aboriginal Land.

NPFL Regional Sports Team - Indigenous Jumper

In 2023 the 6 football clubs that make up the North Pilbara Football Leagure are coming together to form a Regional State Side. This team will compete in Perth mid year against other regions. It was raised early on in the planning for this team that they wanted and Indigneous design done to represent where the team has come from and acknowledge the many Indigenous Australians that make up the team. The design shows 6 clubs coming together to a central place, sitting together as one united group. Symbols in the design also show water and animal tracks, a representation of the land and the ocean of the Pilbara. The colours are ochre and signify the red land of the Pilbara.

Kingsway Netball Club - NAIDOC Round Netball

The Kingsway Netball Club were a part of a NAIDOC netball tournament on Noongar Boodja. I was asked to design a netball for the event. I wanted to show lots of groups/netball teams represented by the yellow circles, forming one larger yellow circle. The lines towards the centre show the teams moving towards each other in the centre signifying everyone coming together for the event.